isn't this what you were looking for?

something about hospital beds, and good intentions

what lead us here?
gps & text messages
google maps & wikipedia

I drop names like there’s a hole in my pocket
and it’s full of names.

“you should always keep a fresh pair of socks, no matter what”
I’m sure someone’s said this before
but that doesn’t make it any less so,

and “these days I use the lord’s prayer as a means of drowning out all the little things
instead of sleeping
I can’t tell if it works or I just get tired of the bickering”

and I heard tell of a youth movement in the north
that may have moved so far in that direction
that it is now south
(I’m sure I read about this sort of thing before)
they have seen the face of the father in the pbr tall boy
in the sweaty mustache,
in the backwards motion of a fixed gear bicycle

this is not an indictment,
this is reporting.

you know there is a war every second
there is one going on on this very page,

and like katie couric,
as I tell you this, my eye contact rarely wavers

and sometimes it’s not a matter of choosing sides
as much as it is walking in between the bombs
through shelled sidewalks and smoke ringed building tops

but don’t let that stop you
from taking a stand
on anything you see.

like the man says
“It's hard to find the news in poetry,
but men die every day for lack of what is found there.”


joli said...

i love your writings.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sasha!

I am finally reading your poems. You are being accompanied by Moondog. I am particularly fond of the line about not so much taking sides as stepping between bombs... I'm paraphrasing. Also, I appreciate the quote; I believe it's Williams? Anyway, good Sunday morning reading. I'll talk to you soon.

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brooklyn, ny, United States